Funded Projects

10.Title: “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Robotics ”
Funded by: NVIDIA
Duration: 1 year(2024)
Total amount: 2.15 lakhs
Status: Ongoing.
My role: PI

9.Title: “Developing an AI Based Toto-Bangla-English Trilanguage Learning Application: A Step Towards Digital Archiving of the Endangered Toto Language of WestBengal ”
Duration: 2years (2024-26)
Total amount: 23.8 lakhs
Status: Ongoing.
My role: Co-Project Director

8. Title: Development ofa High-Resolution Brain Generated Event Related Potential Recorder (BRAIN CAP)
Funded by: Adamas University(Intramural funding)
Duration: 1.5 years (2023-2024)
Total amount: 15.57 lacs
Status: Ongoing
My role: Principal Invesitagor

7. Title: Developing Metacognitive Awareness, Critical Thinking Ability, and Prediction System through ICT based Language Learning Application: A Case Study of Dormant English as Second Language Learners
Funded by: Adamas University(Intramural funding)
Duration: 2 years (2023-2024)
Total amount: 2.00,000
Status: Ongoing
My role: Co-Principal Invesitagor

6. Title: Augmentation of Multimedia Lab with AR/VR facilities for engineering content creation
Funded by: AICTE under MODROBS scheme
Duration: 1 year (2021-2022)
Total amount: 9,03,000
Status: Completed
My role: Principal Invesitagor

5. Mentor-Mentee Program for IIC Institutions
Funded by: IIC
Duration: 1 year (2021-2022)
Total amount: 2,25,000
Status: Completed.
My role: Co-ordinator

4. STTP on "Recent Advancement in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning" STTP on "Recent Advancement in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning"
Funded by: AICTE
Duration: 2years (2021)
Total amount: 3 lakhs
Status: Completed.
My role: Principle Investigator.

3.Title: “Handoff Analysis in WLAN-GPRS Integrated Network”
Funded by: AICTE
Duration: 2years (2010-2012)
Total amount: 2.5 lakhs
Status: Completed.
My role: Principle Investigator.
Mobile computing for Personal Communication Service (PCS) that offers mobile users anytime, anywhere bi-directional reliable access to the Internet. Nowadays varieties of networks with varieties of objectives are coexisting under the heterogeneous environment. It is essential from the user point of view to have ubiquitous mode of network accessibility and global mobility to all the users without bothering about the types and segments of network they belong to. However global mobility which is an important objective is never really achieved. At the same time, new application demands more bandwidth and lower costs. We have proposed an overlay based architecture of heterogeneous networks comprising GPRS and WLAN network that enables user with higher coverage and higher bandwidth. Integrated WLAN-GPRS network is connected through a cross-over switch which is high speed intelligent manageable switch performs the channel assignment to mobile node and control the user mobility from one network to another network. Vertical hand-off (handoff from one network to another heterogeneous network) is performed through the GTP tunnel. It is already proven theoretically that if the hand-off latency is within 2997ms then call drop may be avoided. We simulate the architecture in NS-2 simulator. Simulation performance is needed to be analyzed under various situations (increased number of traffic, packet size) and comparing the results with the theoretical results which can avoid the call drop.
Paper published:
Book Chapter
1. Sajal Saha, Asish K Mukhopadhyay Anup K. Bhattacharjee,“QoS and Mobility Management Issues on next Generation Mobile WiMAX Networks", in Broadband Wireless Access Networks for 4G: Theory, Applications, and Experimentation, Information Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global) USAPrice 235$(Communicated)..
2. Sajal Saha, Asish K Mukhopadhyay,Mobility Management Issues for Next Generation Wireless Networks”, in Network and Traffic Engineering in Emerging Distributed Computing Applications, Information Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global) USA, ISBN 978-1-4666-1888-6, Chapter-10, p.p. 247-274, price: 183$.
International Journal
3. Raju Dutta, Sajal Saha, Asish K Mukhopadhyay, ”A Mathematical Model for Reducing Service Time in Maintenance of Stationery Nodes in Mobile Networks”, p.30-34, International Journal of Research and Reviews in Next Generation Networks(IJRNGN), Science Academy Publishers, UK, Vol 1, No 1. cited: 1 time.
International Conferences
4. Sajal Saha et el., “Performance Analysis of Service classes for IEEE 802.16m QoS Optimization”, 1st International Conference on Emerging Trends and Applications in Computer Science, (ICETACS - 2013), India, 11th – 13th September, 2013(Communicated).
5. Raju Dutta, Sajal Saha and A. Mukhopadhyay, “Replacement Strategies for Minimizing Maintenance Cost and Maximizing Sensor Network Lifetime”, 2011 International Conference on Communication and Industrial Application(ICCIA-2011) 26th-28th December, 2011(Published in IEEE Explore digital library).
6. Sajal Saha et el., “THMIP- A Novel Mobility Management Scheme using Fluid Flow model”, 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends and Applications in Computer Science, (NCETACS - 2011), India, 4th- 6th March, 2011(Published in IEEE Explore digital library) cited: 1 time.

2. IoT enabled safety glass
Funded by: ASTEC
Duration: 6 Months (2020-2021)
Total amount: 10,000
Status: Completed.
My role: Mentor.
1. Ultrasonic Sensor Gloves or Shoes for the Blind using Arduino Lily pad
Funded by: ASTEC
Duration: 6 Months (2019-2020)
Total amount: 10,000
Status: Completed.
My role: Mentor.